Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Class notes 8/24/2011

<Defining Drama>
Tragedy- a drama treating a serious subject and involving persons of significance
Comedy- treats themes and characters with humor and typically has a happy ending.
Monologue- extended speech by one character.
Soliloquy- an utterance or discourse by a person who is talking to himself or herself or is disregardful of or oblivious to any hearers present.
Aside- a part of an actor's lines supposedly not heard by others on the stage and intended only for the audience.
<Plot>: the way in which a story's events are arranged
-more than "what happens"
-shaped by casual connections, the interaction between characters, and the juxtaposition of events.
-4 stages: 1.exposition 2.complication 3.climax 4.result (often the ending of story is indefinite or lacks closure)

<Other and Sequence>
-In media res (Latin for "in the midst of things"): opens in the middle of a story/ uses flashback to reveal crucial elements.
-Flashback: examines an event or situation that occurred before the time in which the story's action takes place/ moves out of sequence.
-Foreshadowing: introduction early in a story of situations, events, characters, or objects that hints at things to come/ enables writers to suggest events to come and build reader interest.

<Theme>: the central or dominant idea of the story
-not just plot of summery
-conveys the values and ideas expressed by the story
-general idea that extends beyond the story and applies to the world outside fiction
-revealed through titles, symbols, conflicts, and character statements and changes
-can be thought of as the moral of the story ("Love is not limited to time or space")

<Conflict>: struggle between opposing forces that emerge as action develops
-clash between
  1.Protagonist: a story's principle character
  2.Antagonist: someone or something (villien, war, property, natural disaster, gender, stereotypes...) presented in opposition to the protagonist

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