Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ichiyo's Child's Play

Midori- has a sister, Omaki, who is prostitute, very famous one/ she has special child bonding moment with Nobu/ one night of the fight between Chokichi gangs and Sangoro, Midori received the public humiliation ("you are nothing but a whore, just like your sister," Chokichi splashed mud on her face.) /she becomes "grown-up" after the event.
Shota- leader of main street gang and son of Tanaka, the pawnbroker/ he likes Midori/ he asks Nobu to be on his side for the festival to show off to Chokichi/
Nobu- priest's son/ the special bond with Midori won't last long because he started to be mean to Midori in public.
Sangoro- friend of Midori and Shota
Chokichi- back street gang leader and fire chief's son/he humiliates Midori when Shota was away.

Q. In Child's Play, what do you make of the Midori/Nobu relationship?
- the readers pretty sure that Midori and Nobu has such a good memories of childhood together, though it changes as they grow up. Page. 1820, "They played their games of tug-war and catch and jump rope with such ardor that no one seemed to notice the sun going down. But what had come over Nobu? He has lost his usual composure." The friends around Nobu started to tease him and it ended up changing his attitude around Midori. on the same page, Midori asked Nobu if he could get the flowers off of the tree, Nobu picked the flower from a tree and flung it to her. As children grow up they tend to pat attention to the environment around them and change their behavior according to what's happening around them.

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