Tuesday, September 27, 2011

CLass Notes 8/29/2011

Modernism-refers to a literary study that has a radical break with the literary forms of the past in the experimental, avant-garde style of writing prevalent between WW I and WW II. Modernism rejects the lingering certainty of Enlightenment thinking and a disillusionment of values on which a whole of civilization was based. The traditional forms of are were rejected and the idea of "make it new" resounded with artists and playing with form, language, and self-centrism (lost generation).

Post Modernism- refers to a literary study that turned away from modernism, emphasizing the lack of profoundity- that nothing can be recognized as inherently significant (significant in isolation). it involves the belief that apparent realities are only social constructs- subject to change inherent to time and place. A replacement of high culture for popular culture.

Modernization- industrial progress often associated with "westernization." This includes the promises and values associated with individualism, democracy, literacy, general education, private ownership, a middle class, religious freedom, scientific method, and public institutions.

Scientific Rationalism- "we can understand everything" scientific knowledge makes the universe more rational and predictable.

Dadaism- is a cultural movement raised in WW I primarily involved in visual arts, literature, and graphic design that rejected prevailing standards- often anti-war and anti-art.
Ex) Hanna Hoch: absence of logic and reason

Realism- a literary movement that depicts subject as they appear in everyday life.

Surrealism- a literary movement that features the unexpected juxtaposition of elements, developing out of the Dada movement. Became a means of expressing the functioning of thought and free play of mind.
Ex) Salvador Dali's arts

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