Saturday, November 19, 2011

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Okonkwo -  An influential clan leader in Umuofia. Since early childhood, Okonkwo’s embarrassment about his lazy, squandering, and effeminate father, Unoka, has driven him to succeed. Okonkwo’s hard work and prowess in war have earned him a position of high status in his clan, and he attains wealth sufficient to support three wives and their children. Okonkwo’s tragic flaw is that he is terrified of looking weak like his father. As a result, he behaves rashly, bringing a great deal of trouble and sorrow upon himself and his family.

Nwoye -  Okonkwo’s oldest son, whom Okonkwo believes is weak and lazy. Okonkwo continually beats Nwoye, hoping to correct the faults that he perceives in him. Influenced by Ikemefuna, Nwoye begins to exhibit more masculine behavior, which pleases Okonkwo. However, he maintains doubts about some of the laws and rules of his tribe and eventually converts to Christianity, an act that Okonkwo criticizes as “effeminate.” Okonkwo believes that Nwoye is afflicted with the same weaknesses that his father, Unoka, possessed in abundance.

Ezinma -  The only child of Okonkwo’s second wife, Ekwefi. As the only one of Ekwefi’s ten children to survive past infancy, Ezinma is the center of her mother’s world. Their relationship is atypical—Ezinma calls Ekwefi by her name and is treated by her as an equal. Ezinma is also Okonkwo’s favorite child, for she understands him better than any of his other children and reminds him of Ekwefi when Ekwefi was the village beauty. Okonkwo rarely demonstrates his affection, however, because he fears that doing so would make him look weak. Furthermore, he wishes that Ezinma were a boy because she would have been the perfect son.

Ikemefuna -  A boy given to Okonkwo by a neighboring village. Ikemefuna lives in the hut of Okonkwo’s first wife and quickly becomes popular with Okonkwo’s children. He develops an especially close relationship with Nwoye, Okonkwo’s oldest son, who looks up to him. Okonkwo too becomes very fond of Ikemefuna, who calls him “father” and is a perfect clansman, but Okonkwo does not demonstrate his affection because he fears that doing so would make him look weak.  

Mr. Brown -  The first white missionary to travel to Umuofia. Mr. Brown institutes a policy of compromise, understanding, and non-aggression between his flock and the clan. He even becomes friends with prominent clansmen and builds a school and a hospital in Umuofia. Unlike Reverend Smith, he attempts to appeal respectfully to the tribe’s value system rather than harshly impose his religion on it.

Reverend James Smith -  The missionary who replaces Mr. Brown. Unlike Mr. Brown, Reverend Smith is uncompromising and strict. He demands that his converts reject all of their indigenous beliefs, and he shows no respect for indigenous customs or culture. He is the stereotypical white colonialist, and his behavior epitomizes the problems of colonialism. He intentionally provokes his congregation, inciting it to anger and even indirectly, through Enoch, encouraging some fairly serious transgressions.

Uchendu -  The younger brother of Okonkwo’s mother. Uchendu receives Okonkwo and his family warmly when they travel to Mbanta, and he advises Okonkwo to be grateful for the comfort that his motherland offers him lest he anger the dead—especially his mother, who is buried there. Uchendu himself has suffered—all but one of his six wives are dead and he has buried twenty-two children. He is a peaceful, compromising man and functions as a foil (a character whose emotions or actions highlight, by means of contrast, the emotions or actions of another character) to Okonkwo, who acts impetuously and without thinking.

The District Commissioner -  An authority figure in the white colonial government in Nigeria. The prototypical racist colonialist, the District Commissioner thinks that he understands everything about native African customs and cultures and he has no respect for them. He plans to work his experiences into an ethnographic study on local African tribes, the idea of which embodies his dehumanizing and reductive attitude toward race relations.

Unoka -  Okonkwo’s father, of whom Okonkwo has been ashamed since childhood. By the standards of the clan, Unoka was a coward and a spendthrift. He never took a title in his life, he borrowed money from his clansmen, and he rarely repaid his debts. He never became a warrior because he feared the sight of blood. Moreover, he died of an abominable illness. On the positive side, Unoka appears to have been a talented musician and gentle, if idle. He may well have been a dreamer, ill-suited to the chauvinistic culture into which he was born. The novel opens ten years after his death.
Obierika -  Okonkwo’s close friend, whose daughter’s wedding provides cause for festivity early in the novel. Obierika looks out for his friend, selling Okonkwo’s yams to ensure that Okonkwo won’t suffer financial ruin while in exile and comforting Okonkwo when he is depressed. Like Nwoye, Obierika questions some of the tribe’s traditional strictures.
Ekwefi -  Okonkwo’s second wife, once the village beauty. Ekwefi ran away from her first husband to live with Okonkwo. Ezinma is her only surviving child, her other nine having died in infancy, and Ekwefi constantly fears that she will lose Ezinma as well. Ekwefi is good friends with Chielo, the priestess of the goddess Agbala.

Enoch -  A fanatical convert to the Christian church in Umuofia. Enoch’s disrespectful act of ripping the mask off an egwugwu during an annual ceremony to honor the earth deity leads to the climactic clash between the indigenous and colonial justice systems. While Mr. Brown, early on, keeps Enoch in check in the interest of community harmony, Reverend Smith approves of his zealotry.

  1.  How could Okonkwo killing Ikemefuna anger "The Earth" even though the Oracle ordered Ikemefuna's death? - it was like killing his own son (Okonkwo treated him like his own son). Okonkwo was, maybe, flollowed Ikemefuna to comfort him in someway and to kill him fast to make him not suffer so much. Obierika said, "but if the Oracle said that my son should be killed i would neither dispute it nor be the one to do it."
  2. What is the significance of the story of the tortoise in chapter 11? - (Proverbs) to teach lessons for kids. with shells; "life falls apart but we can always put it together."
  3. What is the significance of Okonkwo killing the son of Ezeudu at Ezeudu's "Worriori Funeral?" - it was a crime of the Earth God. female crime vs. male crime; "we are not strong enough to commit the big crime like male can (accidentally killed)" vs. "Okonkwo killed him on a special day and beat his wife on a special day."
  4. How does the exile of Okonkwo to his Motherland limit him in leadership during the introduction of the white missionaries? - i think that Okonkwo doesn't have any power. his uncle has the knowledge that Okonkwo doesn't have and his uncle treated him a child who still needed to learn more.
  5. If Okonkwo had not been exiled to his Motherland in Mbanta, how do you think his Fatherland village of Umuofia would have responded to the missionaries and their one God philosophy had the great warrior Okonkwo been there to help make village decisions? - Okonkwo is the fighter and if he had not been exiled then people in the village might have been stuck with the order of Okonkwo, going to the war, maybe.

The Overcoat by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol


Akakiy Akakievitch Bashmatchkin: Bureaucrat in one of the departments of the Russian government in St. Petersburg, the nation's capital city. Bashmatchkin, about fifty, is a quiet, self-effacing man with red hair and a receding hairline. His job is to copy documents such as letters. Although he enjoys his work and never makes a mistake, he has no desire to take on more challenging work, realizing that he has limited capabilities. Because he is meek and dresses shabbily, most of his coworkers regard him as a nobody and frequently pick on him. When his cloak becomes so frayed that it can no longer protect him against the bitter cold, he dedicates himself to saving enough money to purchase a new cloak. 
Petrovitch: One-eyed, heavy-drinking tailor whom Bashmatchkin hires to make his new cloak. Petrovitch was once a serf.
Wife of Petrovitch: Woman of plain looks whom the narrator says Petrovitch calls "a low female and a German" when they argue.
Bearded Assailants: Men who rob Akakiy of his new cloak. 
Landlady of Bashmatchin: Elderly woman who advises Akakiy to report the theft of his cloak to the district police chief. 
District Police Chief: Official who hears Akakiy's report about his stolen cloak. The policeman asks Akakiy embarrassing questions, as if he were a criminal. The policeman is of no help.
Employee With Advice: Coworker of Akakiy who advises him to see a certain prominent personage in a government office who will help Akakiy track down his stolen cloak.
Prominent Personage: Bureaucrat mainly concerned with demonstrating the power he wields as a supervisor. He excoriates Akakiy for not going through the proper government channels to get an interview. He is of no help. 
Physician: Doctor called after Akakiy develops a throat infection. He tells Akakiy's landlady to order a coffin.

  1. Describe the changing setting of the story while Akakiy makes his way to the party. how do the two separate locations parallel the social status of the society? - more wealthy place, people, and street lights were up. many businesses were opened late. fewer lights were on the street on the way home.
  2. What do you believe the climax of the story and why? - when people took Akakiy's overcoat, things began to fall apart rapidly. when he went to the superior's house for help, he got yelled at, "do you know who you talking to!" he was reminded that he is, once again, in a lower society.
  3. What is the symbolism behind the cloak and why did Akakiy place so much value upon it? - accomplishment, happiness, and social status; after the cloak, things were lightened up and people started to loving and recognize him. Akakiy even almost made a mistake copying job because he was too excited.
  4. What are some possible themes for this story? - power vs. powerlessness; working class never has any power.

A Very Old Man with Enormus Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Old Man/Angel- a mysterious man with wings that is discovered by a husband and wife who keep him in a chicken coop. He is forced to become an attraction and is mistreated by some of the people who come to see him in hopes that he can change their lives. His true purpose for showing up is never revealed.

Pelayo- in the beginning, he seems concerned about the old man. He chooses to go against the neighbor's suggestion of killing him, but ends up putting him in the chicken coop. He soon becomes rich from the old man's situation.

Elisenda- she came up with the idea to charge admission for the chance to see the angel. Once he was no longer of use to her, she looks at him as a nuisance. She is relieved when she sees him fly out of the chicken coop and out of her life.

Father Gonzaga- he doesn't really believe the old man is an angel and tries to find out for sure. He tries to be the voice of reason by insisting that people treat the old man with respect.

Neighbor Woman- she's a friend of Pelayo and Elisenda who knows everything about life and death. She suggests that the old man is an angel who was in on his way to come for their sick child.

The Spider Girl- she is a girl who was turned into a spider by the heavens for sneaking out of the house one night. She becomes a carnival attraction and soon takes the attention of the town away from the old man.

  1. Why do you think Marquez referred to the visitor as "a very old man with enormous wings" rather than "an angel"? - i think that it is more attractive to readers to hear the human with wings than an angel. the interpretation of an angel can be different for everyone.
  2. What do the reactions of the different people of the town say about human nature, itself? - selfishness; they all came to take benefits from him without knowing what he is. it didn't even matter to the people if he was insured.
  3. Why do you think the people stopped paying attention to the old man once the Spider girl came to town? - the spider girl was a thing that interact with people which the old man never did with the people. it's like a zoo, a sleeping animal is boring and people walk away from it but the active animals bring people closer. (two stories: one, she got punished. two, lightening struck her.)
  4. What are some possible themes for this story? - if you are different and unique, the society will not accept you as who you are. when things are getting old, you move on to the next thing.

The Guest by Albert Camus


Daru- He watches Balducci and the Arab approach the schoolhouse at the start of the narrative. The schoolhouse is his home, although with the sudden snow none of his pupils attend anymore.
Daru argues against delivering the Arab to Tinguit, and is plunged into a state of moral despair at the end of the narrative when he realizes that the Arab has chosen certain imprisonment.

Balducci- Balducci is the man on the horse who leads the Arab up the hill to Daru. He holds the horse back so not to hurt the Arab. Once within earshot he shouts a greeting to Daru. He is an old gendarme and has known Daru for a long time. He looks upon Daru as a son, but is insulted by Daru's refusal to turn in the Arab. It is Balducci who first speaks of a revolt, and speaks about the obligations that men face during war. He clearly longs for a peaceful retirement, but is resigned to his duties.

The Arab- He is very timid and fearful throughout the narrative, and even does not try to escape despite many opportunities. At the end, he decides to walk towards imprisonment, and in this way symbolizes the absurdity and despair of the human condition.
  • The Guest takes place in Algeria in mid-October on the eve of the Algerian war.
  • The story was published in 1957, in the midst of the war (about 3years in to the war).
  • Depicts Daru's struggle with what is morally right.
  • Daru treats the Arab prisoner as a guest, but must ultimately  choose whether to send him to prison or set him free.
  • In the end, the Arab chooses the path towards imprisonment.
  • the title "the Guest": i think that Daru is the actual guest who is a french living in Algerian land. The Arab might have been mistaken by Daru's politeness of his guest that the prison might be better off (they would treat The Arab good even if he is a prisoner).
  • What do you take from the message written on the blackboard?- "you handed over our brother, you will pay for this." it might be the Arab's family who wrote it. Algerians were watching Daru and hiding from Daru but Daru never knew about them. Algerian knew the land better than Daru. After Daru read the message, i think he was looking out the window thinking how he could explain this when they come for him. Now, he is on his own no allies, in a bad spot.

Motorcycle Diaries The Movie

The Motorcycle Diaries contains the story of two young men, Ernesto and Alberto, who take on an adventurous journey throughout an unknown land. In this journey of discovery becomes one of self-discovery as well. Throughout the movie, the adventure trip shapes Ernesto’s personality of a character psychologically, morally, and socially.
In the beginning of the movie, the fact that he says good-bye to only family members before he takes off to a trip gives a way that Ernesto was a shy medical student who doesn’t have many friends but Alberto. We can say that he might not be so social after all. However, throughout the movie he finds himself involving with many different types of people. Ernesto wanted to be with the people with leprosy on the other side of the river to celebrate his birthday. He risked his life, to cross the Amazon River at night by swimming, to be with people who he thinks he belongs or fits in to. In life, we all look for the social group that we want to be in it or to get along to move along in the society. 
In the middle of the movie, we find the two young men needing for food and drink. Though Alberto tries to lie and get some food and drink, Ernesto being honesty ruined the opportunity to meet their needs. However, he learns from Alberto that sometime in a life, there is a moment where he can lie to survive. Then Ernesto lies with Alberto to get food, drink, and motorcycle treatment. At this moment we can tell that Ernesto’s moral have shifted a little. He knows what’s wrong and right. However, he chose the wrong to receive the needs.
When Ernesto was affected by feelings he chose to use the $15 that the girl he loves gave to him to buy her swimsuit. He never gave to Alberto to waste it or to use it to buy his asthma medicine. He got to meet the communist couple who were looking for a job to feed themselves; he felt the sympathy and gave them the $15. His mind was affected by this couple that buying the swimsuit for his girl did not matter anymore. At the end of the movie, the two young men separated and chose different directions. Alberto found himself a very good offer and Ernesto was with questions that the answers were so clear and sure in the beginning of the journey but not sure anymore. He says “all this time we spend on the road, something happened, something I’ll have to think about for a long time.” Wondering around the America gave him a psychological affect that no one knows but himself changed him. Finally, at the very end, he says “I am not me anymore, at least I’m not the same me I was.”

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Shawl

Rosa- a young women who was raped by a German soldier and had Magda.
Stella- the teenage girl who took the shawl from her cousin Magda and lead her to death.
Magda- 15month old baby who was killed by a guard though she survived the infancy in a Polish concentration camp in Rosa's shawl.

Q. In Ozick's "The Shawl,"  the shawl is considered "a magic shawl."  How is it magical?  In what ways does it nourish?
- it is called "a magic shawl" because somehow it had the taste or sense of Cinnamon and Almonds that kept Magda's stomach feel at least not to cry out for food.

Q. Are there ways to celebrate the human spirit and the strength of humans based on Ozick's text?
-the human, more like a mother strength shows in the shawl story. Rosa did everything she could do to comfort her baby, Magda. Throughout the text of "The Shawl," it constantly says that they were hungry though it never said that they were fed. So without food or drinks for Rosa but she tries everything to support Magda.

Q. Identify moments where the authors are using symbols and imagery to convey their experiences.  
How does it impact your reading/experience of the poems knowing all of them were written by young children authors?
- it is hard to believe that the young children wrote the poems. From the Butterfly poem, it kept saying the word "last" like he knows that it'll be last time for him to see the sunlight, butterfly, white chestnut branches, and the dandelions. Even if they are young they do feel the threaten of their lives. it is just unbelievable and horrible that the children had to go through this time of period.

The Fly

Mr.Woodifield- old man who had a stroke not long ago and only allowed to leave his house in Tuesdays. He lives with his wife and daughters.
The Boss- he lost his son to WW I.
The Fly- this distracts the boss, and the boss kills the fly slowly.

Q. Although the story “The Fly” never overtly mentions World War I, make a list of details which indicate that the story is related to WW I and takes place shortly thereafter.
  1.  Mr.Woodifield talked about his daughter, Gertrude, being gone to someone's grave and told the boss that she happened to across The boss's son's grave. The boss's son died in WW I. 
  2. The boss remembers that he have never gotten to cry out loud about his son's death. so then he tries to cry, but he can't.
  3. When the fly was bothering the boss, he completely forgets about trying to be sad about his son. the boss drops ink on the fly. the first drop was okay for the fly. but when it came to fourth drop of ink, the fly died (the war lasted four years).
  4. I could say that  the fly could be representing the soldiers and the boss could be representing the head of the army who pushes soldiers to keep kill the enemies, even the priest (power vs. powerlessness). the boss was torturing the fly just like the captain of army tells the soldiers to kill everyone, good, or bad, kill them all. the fly struggles to get up and dry the wings but then it couldn't take anymore then the fourth drop. at the end of the war, after four years, the soldiers were mostly died in the battle and the alive soldiers weren't mentally alive (there is limit or level to take suffer).
  5. 6years after the boss's son's death, he couldn't remember or even to think of his son's face. Time has passed and things like that are not sad or depressing anymore (Theme-Time is a great healer/should we not forget even the time passes by?).
  6. the author also lost her brother to the war. I think that she is trying to remind people not to forget the heroes of our country, time should not be the reason to forget how war hurt all of us.